What Are the Top 7 Prisons in Southern California?

California State in the United States has many correctional facilities. Some are located in the northern part of the state, and others are in the southern.

Let's see What Are the Top 7 Prisons in Southern California?

We’ve already discussed the northern portion’s prisons, and now we’ll talk about the top 7 prisons in southern California. 

The prisons we’ve listed may vary in size and level of security. Still, these correctional facilities are rated top for having better living conditions, medical treatments, and educational and vocational programs. So let’s immediately jump into the prison’s list with details. 

These are the Top 7 Prisons in Southern California

The southern part of California has several prisons, but only 7 are considered to be ranked in the “Top List.” 

01. California State Prison, Los Angeles

California State Prison was established in 1993 in the southern part of California. It holds dangerous criminals with maximum and supermax security levels. Managed by the California Department of Corrections, this prison has 2,322 inmates. However, its holding capacity is 2,300 prisoners. 

We can’t say it’s overpopulated since it keeps only 0.9% of additional criminals. Raybon C. Johnson Jr. is the warden. The California State Prison (LAC) is top-rated in the southern part of the state.

It’s rated top for many reasons, but the primary reason is its additional helpful programs. Academic, work, mental, and health-related programs are standard in most California correctional facilities. 

But LAC offers something different. Its Family Liaison Service helps inmates communicate better with their present families and other societal organizations.

This program brings the prisoners and their families together so that their bonding can be stronger than before. This way, when the offenders are freed, they can communicate positively with their future families.

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02. California Institution for Men 

The California Institution for Men comes with minimum and maximum security levels. It was opened in 1941 in Chino, California. The current population of this prison is 3,135, which is only 5.3% more than its holding capacity (which is 2,976). James Hill is the warden of the prison. 

California Institution for Men is also considered one of the top correctional facilities as it ensures to pay attention to its rehabilitation and re-entry programs. It’s because the facility provides offenders with various educational and vocational possibilities. 

These programs are offered to prepare them for success after they are released. Inmates can also receive mental health and substance addiction counseling. The California Institution for Men is dedicated to assisting inmates in changing their lives and becoming productive members of society.

03. California Men’s Colony

With minimum, medium, and maximum security levels, the California Men’s Colony was established in San Luis Obispo, California, in 1954. 

Danny Samuel is the warden of this correctional facility. While 3,838 prisoners can be housed here, there are only 3,414 inmates at present (only 88.9% of the total capacity). 

The California Men’s Colony has to offer its prisoners some excellent courses to make them shine after leaving the prison. The PIA program teaches inmates many jobs like knitting mill, equipment, and healthcare facility maintenance. 

Some career technical educations are auto mechanics, computer technology, electrical works, etc. Inmates are also provided academic programs such as e-learning, GED/HSD, and college degree opportunities.

04. California City Correctional Facility 

The California City Correctional Facility in Virginia Blvd is carrying 2,081 inmates. It can hold 223 more inmates since its total prison-holding ability is 2,304 (90.3% out of 100%). It was opened in 2006, meaning it’s not an old prison. 

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This southern California correctional facility inspires the inmates to study further. Prisoners near their release are encouraged to apply to different educational courses. The offered courses are GED ABE I, II, and Independent Study. 

It also ensures inmates join some rehabilitation programs and change their bad habits to good ones. There are programs like Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous. 

These programs help prisoners quit drinking and taking drugs. More of its programs include Criminals and Gangs Anonymous, Arts as Healing from Trauma, Arts as Restorative Justice, and so on. No matter how many issues it faces, the CAC wants to assure the inmates of a promising future.

05. California Correctional Institution

California Correctional Institution is also situated in Tehachapi, which is in southern California. This prison was built in 1954.

It has security levels from minimum to supermax. It currently holds 2962 (6.4% additional) prisoners, while it was made to keep 2,783 inmates. Brian Cates is CCI’s warden. 

Prisoners of CCI are benefitted in many ways. They are given proper medical services, and guards do not behave roughly with them. The best part is, of course, a lot of programs for inmates.

The helpful programs will let the released convicts earn money legally by joining the industry and other sectors of work.

06. California State Prison, Cocoran 

California State Prison in Cocoran has minimum to maximum security levels. It came into existence in 1988. It has 3,440 inmates and treats all of them well. 

This prison offers excellent educational and occupational courses that help the inmates finish their education and make them productive enough to join the work fields. 

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Some programs are Cognitive Behavioral Treatment, Long-term Offender Programs, Volunteer Education Programs, Independent Study and Literacy Clubs, Religious Programs, and more. This is why it’s another top prison in California. 

However, its housing ability is 3,116, meaning it keeps 10.3% more criminals than it should. Ken Clark is the current warden of this correctional institution. 

07. California Institution for Women

California Institution for Women is the last in our top southern California prisons list. It’s because it has several excellent programs to offer to inmates. Academic programs, including Adult Basic Education and High School/GED classes, are available to inmates at CIW.

California Institution for Women is a female-only prison. It keeps minimum to medium security level inmates. Located in Chino, it came Into existence in 1952. It has only 67.2% of its total holding ability.

At present, it has 940 inmates while it can house 1,398 offenders. Moma Houston is its current warden.  

Moreover, CIW provides career technical education courses in various trades, including carpentry, cosmetology, culinary arts, and gardening. After their release, inmates interested in working in these fields can obtain certifications in these fields. 

The facility also offers drug misuse treatment programs to assist inmates in overcoming their addictions and developing coping mechanisms to prevent relapse.

Final Words

California in the United States is one of the states that has many prisons both in its southern and northern parts.

Earlier, we covered the top 7 northern correctional facilities and listed the top 7 prisons in southern California.

They are rated top depending on how they treat inmates. These correctional institutions play their roles correctly by adequately concentrating on inmates’ rehabilitation. 

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