How to Send Books to Inmates? Best Books for Someone in Jail

To pass the time and try to educate themselves, inmates require books every now and then. Many prisons have very few books available to inmates, and what is provided is often low-quality pulp fiction such as romance novels and action thrillers. That’s why knowing how to send books to inmates can be a very good option to make them feel comfortable.

How to Send Books to Inmates in the prison.
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But what is the right way to proceed in this regard? How to send books to inmates and not get rejected? What might happen if you don’t know the exact rules?

Because prison libraries are often small and access to them is limited, sending books to detained family members and friends is frequently required and the only means for convicts to obtain reading material. We will talk about all the regulations, ins and outs in this article that you might have had these days!

Best Books for Someone in Jail

If you wish to send a book to your incarcerated loved one as a surprise, familiarize yourself with the procedures and restrictions that must be followed. Inmates are allowed and even encouraged to get books from correctional facilities since it helps them pass the time and educate themselves.

Each facility has its own set of restrictions about books, which you should review before time.

You Can Send Books including the following-

1. New publications.

2. Direct from the published books.

3. Books in paperback.

4. Books about education.

5. Books in a variety of genres deal with relevant topics.

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You Can’t Send These Books-

1. Books that have been used.

2. Books in hardcover

3. Bookmarks, staples, and paperclips are examples of such items.

4. Photographs of women in undress are included in some books.

5. Books about gangs or any other type of violence are prohibited.

How to Mail Books to Inmates 

It is normally permitted to mail books and magazines to detainees in federal, state, county, and city correctional facilities. Such as prisons, jails, detention centers, and ICE centers. For materials mailed to inmates, each facility has its own set of restrictions and procedures. Go through the ensuing points for a better idea-

  •  Contact the facility to which you plan to mail books and magazines to determine the protocol for shipping items to inmates.
  • You are not permitted to mail books or magazines to a detainee. You must arrange for them to be sent directly from a bookstore to the inmate’s current jail or prison through the mail. So, the best way to mail books is when you take the help of a direct publication. Although there may be a shipping price, big retailers such as Barnes & Noble, Waldenbooks, Borders, and Amazon offer this option. 

With a few caveats, it is also legal for a publisher to send publications to an inmate via subscription. Many correctional facilities recommend including the jailed individual’s full name and inmate number in your shipment to ensure it reaches its final destination.

  • Softcover books, newspaper clippings, and magazines may be sent to medium- and maximum-security convicts if they are sent through a bookstore, book club, or publisher. Inmates in low- and minimum-security federal prisons are given the same privileges, with the exception of hardback literature. 
  • If a publication contains material that is judged “possibly damaging to the institution’s security, good order, or discipline, or as promoting criminal conduct,” the jail warden has the authority to refuse delivery. You can put money in a bank account for the inmate to use to buy things like health supplements, writing supplies, workout clothing, and radios with earbuds from the commissary.
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Can you bring books to Jail?

Personal books brought into most state prisons by a prisoner from jail are frowned upon. You may be allowed to keep a Bible, Koran, Torah, or other religious texts, but you will very certainly be requested to ship everything else.

Due to lax accountability and thefts, it’s best to wait until an inmate arrives at Reception before attempting to collect books (or any other valuable items). Even better, wait until you get to the first prison destination after you’ve completed Reception and Classification. Borrowing books from friends and checking out books from the library are also options.


For an inmate, serving a sentence in a government correctional facility is a challenging experience. Support from loved ones is often crucial in assisting her in coping with the situation. Sending books or periodicals to assist pass the time is one method to show support to someone who is confined.

So, don’t feel sad or disappointed. Go through the whole article and be sure of getting closer to your loved ones through his favorite books!

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