List of Top 10 Best Prisons in New Zealand

Let's see and know about the best prisons in New Zealand.

New Zealand has been excellently maintaining public safety, providing high security, and focusing on inmates’ rehabilitation in its prisons. 

There are 10 special correctional facilities in New Zealand that offer the most to inmates to help them become productive and positive people. 

Here are the top 10 best prisons in New Zealand that ensure public safety at all costs. 

The Top 10 List of Best Prisons in New Zealand

Here’s the list of the top 10 best correctional facilities in New Zealand, which we listed depending on the overall conditions. 

01. Auckland Prison, Paremoremo

One of the most famous prisons in New Zealand is the Paremoremo-based Auckland Prison. This correctional institution gained fame for having robust security measures. It’s a maximum security prison, and so it houses convicts that are highly risky to society. 

It mainly kept male inmates and was opened in 1968. The facility can keep 667 prisoners. It’s considered the best since it lets inmates join several rehabilitation programs. Moreover, the Auckland Prison is determined to provide safety for both staff and offenders. 

Contact details: 

Phone:(09) 442 6600

Postal address: Private Bag 50124, Albany, North Shore, Auckland 0752

Physical address: Paremoremo Rd, Albany 0632

02. Rimutaka Prison, Upper Hutt

In 1967 Rimutaka Prison was built in Upper Hutt. It’s operating fine with a total of 1,078 inmates. It has minimum and high-security levels.

The facility only keeps male offenders. It’s a great prison as there is no bad reputation for the facility. According to reports, it helps prisoners learn how to develop well and fast. Rimutaka Prison did an excellent job of reducing crime rates in its territory. 

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Contact details: 

Phone: (04) 529 0800

Postal address: Private Bag 47901, Trentham, Upper Hutt 5143

Physical address: Freyberg Rd extension, Trentham, Upper Hutt 5018

03. Christchurch Men’s Prison, Templeton

Christchurch Men’s Prison is a correctional institution in the south island of New Zealand established in 1915. This facility provides offenders with a relatively less strict environment.

This is because its goal is rehabilitation. They offer convicts some great counseling therapy that helps promote human growth.

Contact details: 

Phone: (03) 345 6400

Postal address: Private Bag 4726, Christchurch Mail Centre, Christchurch 8140

Physical address: West Coast Rd, Christchurch

04. Hawke’s Bay Regional Prison, Mangaroa 

Hawke’s Bay Regional Prison is a male-only prison established in 1989. With minimum and high-security levels, it can hold 940 inmates.

The best thing about this correctional facility is it gives inmates proper medical attention. Most prisoners are relaxed inside the cells and are offered to finish studying to get jobs after release. It always creates a supportive connection for inmates. 

Contact details: 

Phone: (06) 872 8000

Fax: (06) 872 8180

Postal address: Private Bag 1600, Hawke’s Bay Mail Centre, Napier 4142

Physical address:138 Mangaroa Rd, Hastings 4174

05. Otago Corrections Facility, Milburn 

The Otago Corrections Facility in Milburn is prominent in New Zealand’s south island. It uses high technology to monitor prisoners. Hence, an inmate is not likely to Inmate violence or guard brutality. 

Its focus is to prepare offenders for jobs after release. This specific correctional facility came into existence in 2007. It has low and high-security levels and comes with a holding capacity of 485 inmates.

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Contact details:  

Phone: (03) 417 9300

Postal address: Private Bag 2000, Balclutha 9240

Physical address: 62 Narrowdale Rd, Milburn, Otago 9291

06. Waikeria Prison Waikato 

Opened in 1911, Waikeria Prison in Waikato is one of the best correctional facilities in New Zealand. With a minimum and a high-security level, it handles 778 inmates. 

It only houses male offenders. Prisoners here get specialized treatments for dealing with addiction and violence. Also, educational and vocational programs are available. Criminals are given every basic service to have their mental health fine. 

Contact details: 

Phone: (07) 872 6700

Postal address: Private Bag 2400, Te Awamutu 3840

Physical address: Waikeria Road, 16km south of Te Awamutu

07. Invercargill Prison, Invercargill

Invercargill Prison is situated in the southernmost city of New Zealand. It’s well-recognized for its effort to make education and skill development easy for its inmates. 

Convicts in this correctional institution can relax as the security levels are minimum and low medium. Invercargill Prison was established in 1910. It can only keep 172 male prisoners.

Contact details: 

Phone: (03) 211 3400

Postal address: PO Box 827, Invercargill 9840

Physical address: 42 Liffey St, Invercargill 9810

08. Spring Hill Corrections Facility, Te Kauwhata 

Spring Hill Corrections Facility was built in 2007 in Te Kauwhata, New Zealand. Like most other correctional facilities, it has minimum and high-security levels. This specific prison can encourage positive transformation in inmates. 

It provides offenders with proper medical treatment, good food, and an inspiring environment offering various academic and work programs.

Many prisoners came out of this place and positively changed themselves and their lives. At present, there are 1,002 offenders. 

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Contact details: 

Phone: (07) 826 0200

Postal address: Private Bag 503, Huntly 3740

Physical address: Hampton Downs Rd, Te Kauwhata, Waikato

09. Tongariro Prison, Turangi 

The Tongariro Prison in Turangi was opened in 1922. Hence, it’s a pretty old correctional facility. It has three security levels, minimum, low and medium.

There are only 540 male inmates, and as one of the best prisons, it gives them proper food, a chance to complete study, learn new work skills, and physical and mental treatments.

Contact details: 

Phone: (07) 384 7400

Postal address: Private Bag 500, Turangi 3353

Physical address: State Highway 1, Hautu Road, Turangi

10. Rolleston Prison, Rolleston 

With only 320 inmates, the Rolleston Prison in New Zealand has become a great prison. Its operations are praiseworthy. It can handle three security-level prisoners: low, minimum, and medium.

It’s famous for giving inmates’ education a high priority. Their main goal is to establish rehabilitation over punishment. This makes it one of the top correctional facilities in New Zealand. 

Contact details: 

Phone: (03) 345 6400

Postal address: PO Box 45, Rolleston, Canterbury 7643

Physical address: Runners Road, Rolleston, Christchurch

Final Words

New Zealand is an astonishing country. Its penal system is praiseworthy as the prisoners can get positive transformation by serving their sentences.

These top 10 best prisons in New Zealand ensure offenders a chance to rejoin society and have an everyday life. Their focus and efforts on rehabilitation are indeed what many counties need to follow. 

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